Soderbergh Continues To Mess With You And The Classics
Chris Scalzo
Still copyright Paramount Pictures
Steven Soderbergh, director of such modern classics as ‘Out Of Sight’, ‘Traffic’, and ‘The Limey’ is staying busy. Though he’s retired from Hollywood films, he’s been directing episodes of ‘The Knick’ for Cinemax and conducting some interesting experiments.
Soderbergh channeled his inner DJ Hero and mashed up both Hitchcock’s and Van Sant’s versions of ‘Psycho’. He then went on to recut Michael Cimino’s ‘Heaven’s Gate’.
His latest move is to fully embrace the old time-y serial nature of ‘Raiders Of The Lost Ark’ by removing the color and soundtrack and then introduce a new score, albeit an electronic one. The score is sparse and ambient at times, and aggressive and raucous at others. Soderbergh hopes his version would help promote a new understanding of film creation and staging stating, "See if you can reproduce the thought process that resulted in these choices by asking yourself: why was each shot — whether short or long — held for that exact length of time and placed in that order?".
Head on over to his site to check it out: