Gareth Edwards Exits Godzilla Sequel. Gadzooky Cut As Well?
Chris Scalzo
Picture courtesy
Though the reason remains shrouded in mystery, Edwards has backed out of directing the follow up to what I referred to as quintessential summer blockbuster-ing film, Godzilla. Edwards launched his career with the film, ‘Monsters’ (currently available for streaming on Netflix). It’s a great little movie that handles a lack of a large budget exceptionally well.
There are two schools of thought on why Edwards has left. One, he’s decided not to do three big budget films in a row following the aforementioned Godzilla and now this winter’s Star Wars: Rogue One. The other theory is that he simply doesn’t want to deal with the pressure the studios are placing on him regarding Godzilla 2’s required release date. The studio has made Godzilla a tent pole and want the sequel as well as a King Kong Versus film after that.
The search has begun for someone to take Edwards’ place. No news yet on any frontrunners. I’m blaming this whole thing on Mothra. Stupid moth monster.