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News: Weekend Box Office Round Up. Vin & Dwayne Drive Home The Goods

Chris Scalzo

Well, I guess that settles that.  In the holiday weekend battle of the sequels, Fast & Furious 6 ​ran down the Wolfpack by a cool $54 million.  In fact Vin, Paul and the crew had their highest opening ever with $96,791 million.  It even beat our beloved Star Trek Into Darkness' opening haul of about $71,166 million.  Trek made $37,284 million in its second week, down about 47% from last week.  


Hangover 3 made $41,775 million.  Nothing to sneeze at, but still half of the take of Part 2.  It appears the movie going audience isn't going to be suckered into another subpar sequel.  It's too bad Zach and the guys go out on such a weak note.  

​The Fox animated film 'Epic' opened this weekend as well with a respectable $33,500 million, a little below studio expectations.

​The remaining films in the top 10 were Iron Man 3 at #5, The Great Gatsby at #6, Mud at #7 (which if you haven't seen, you should check out asap),  42 still hanging in there at #8, The Croods at #9, and Tom Cruise's Oblivion checking in at #10.

​But at least we're guaranteed another Fast & Furious film, and after that post credits teaser, I can't wait for it!

News: Smile! It's Human Centipede 3!

Chris Scalzo


Spurred on by your lack of interest or general poor taste, Tom Six (no relation to Nikki who spells it Sixx anyway) has begun filming Human Centipede 3: Final Sequence.  The dastardly plan this time is to sew 500, that's not a typo, 500 people together.  Logistically this sounds like a nightmare for our favorite psychotic scientist.​

Six not only wants to film in LA prisons, but he's giving away 10 opportunities to join in on the fun!  ​Sign up now!

News: Warp Factor Ummm 4? Let's go with 4.

Chris Scalzo


Currently enjoying an 86% on Rotten Tomatoes, J.J. Abrams' sequel to the relaunched franchise brought in a cool $84 million over the extended weekend (early IMAX showings beginning last Wednesday).  ​

​It's a little below the studio's expectations of a $100 million bow, but the increased international pull of $80.5 million will help ease the pain.