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Check out some earlier shows here. These shows are from our Blogger days. Make it easy on yourself and use the Search box!

TFR Ep. 114: Human Centipede 2, Inventory of Tough Sits

David Cunningham

It's the story of old friends. Reunited after years apart. Are the loves and laughs there? Does Nadia make a triumphant, topless return? And does anyone get sewn together ass to mouth? That's right, we didn't see American Reunion this week. Oh no. We decided to subject ourselves to Tommy Six's Human Centipede 2, and now it's your turn to suffer. We'll review the big releases on blu-ray and dvd, then run down an Inventory of Tough Sits. The one timers. Movies you only need to see once. If at all… So gather 'round faithful listeners, and prepare for a discussion of a film that makes Antichrist look like Cinderella.

Download the Show from iTunes here: Episode 114

Or stream the show now by clicking here: Play

00:00-19:08: Intro/The Human Centipede 2

19:09-25:07: Blu-Ray/DVD & Instant View Picks

25:08-44:21: Inventory of Tough Sits

44:21-47:19: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 113: Wrath Of The Titans, Inventory Of Sequels No One Asked For

Chris Scalzo

BOOM goes Zeus' thunderbolt!  The Movie Gods have denied my prayers and subjected me to 'Wrath Of The Titans', the sequel to the endlessly unentertaining 'Clash Of The Titans'.  Can Sam Worthington pull a "Tatum", and get Scalzo to finally fall in love with him?  Or is it just more of the same heartbreaking disappointment.  We review the big releases on Blu-Ray & DVD, then ride a pegasus to the ends of the Earth to review our Inventory Of Sequels No One Asked For.  So grab your trident and pray to the gods for the Greek tragedy that is The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 113

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-11:41: Intro/Wrath Of The Titans
11:42-23:02: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
23:03-47:54: Inventory Of Sequels No One Asked For
47:55-50:16: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 112: The Hunger Games, Inventory Of Book To Movie Adaptations

David Cunningham

This week on the big show, we review the newest young adult novel to movie adaptation, 'The Hunger Games'. Can the new film starring Jennifer Lawrence of 'Winter's Bone', capture the tidal wave of success that Suzanne Collins books of the same name have been riding? Also, speaking of book to movie adaptations, we will count down our five favorites. Spoiler: Chris is wrong. And of course, we will run down the upcoming weeks Blu-Ray, DVD and Instant streaming picks. So put on your listening boots, and for god sakes stop killing pre-teens, we're The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 112

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-19:12: Intro/The Hunger Games
19:13-28:31: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
28:14-41:53: Inventory Of Book Made into Movies
41:54-43:46: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 111: 21 Jump Street, Casa de mi Padre, Inventory Of TV Shows That Should Be Remade Into Movies

Chris Scalzo

Channing Tatum.  The bane of the First Run's existence returns this week (with Jonah Hill) and the big screen version of the 80's cult classic show, 21 Jump Street.  Can THIS big screen version of another 80's property buck the trend of awfulness?  Or do we desperately need Booker?  We keep the good times rolling this week with another big release, Will Ferrell in the tele-novella satire, Case de mi Padre.  How long can Mr. Ferrell keep what is basically a one joke premise going anyway?  We'll review the big releases on blu-ray and dvd, then wrap it up an Inventory of TV Shows In Need Of A Big Screen Remake.  So remember, no drinking, getting high or sex with the students, my compadres.  What's up not so slim shady!

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 111

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-09:08: Intro/21 Jump Street
09:09-19:05: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
19:06-28:26: Casa de mi Padre
28:27-45:05: Inventory Of TV Shows That Should Be Remade Into Movies
45:06-47:20: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 110: John Carter, Shut Up Little Man, Inventory Of Our Favorite Disney Films

Chris Scalzo

Our bags are packed and we're ready to go.  This week The First Run gets their passports stamped in Barsoom by checking out Disney's 'John Carter'.  Has the 2012 blockbuster season begun, or have we simply been tripped up on our way?  We also caught up the the documentary 'Shut Up Little Man', the funny and sad documentary the foretells former co-host Chris Esposito's and Scalzo's dark future.  Two lonely drink men living together in an apartment with nothing better to do but yell and be miserable.  We review the big releases coming out on Blu-Ray & DVD (and there are some good ones), and wrap it up with an Inventory of Our Favorite Disney Films.  So shut up little fans, and listen to the latest episode of The First Run.  And we mean that in the nicest way possible.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 110

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-08:52: Intro/John Carter
08:53-18:30: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
18:31-29:11: Shut Up Little Man!
29:12-43:55: Inventory Of Our Favorite Disney Films
43:56-47:24: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR EP. 109: The Lorax, Elite Squad: The Enemy Within, Inventory of Movies with a Message

David Cunningham

This week on The First Run, we go and see the new Lorax Biopic starring Danny Devito, and Zach Efron. Will this stand up to recent favorite biographies such as The Iron Lady, and J. Edgar? Also, how did they fit Danny in that little orange suit? Next we take a look at a brazilian. Film, named Elite Squad: The Enemy Within. Foreign film alert! There will be subtitles. This one is available on Netfix for anybody who wants to play along (and can read). Finally we share with the world our five favorite movies with a message ( six if you are cheating). So put on your Furry suit, and wax your nethers, its time for another episode of the first run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 109

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-10:12: Intro/ The Lorax

10:12-21:37: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks

21:37-29:05: Elite Squad: The Enemy Within

29:05-41:32: Inventoty of Movies with a Message

41:32-44:19: Wrap up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 108: Act Of Valor, Peeping Tom, Inventory Of War Films

Chris Scalzo

This week on the The First Run, we crank up the Lee Greenwood with what started as a Naval recruitment film that evolved into a successful actioner, 'Act Of Valor'.  Do these actual Navy SEALS save the cinematic day?  After that, we criss cross the Criterion Collection galaxy and end up with the British cult film, 'Peeping Tom'.  I know Dave is always up for engaging his voyeuristic tendencies.  We'll review the big releases on Blu-ray & DVD.  Then we run down our Inventory of War Films.  So settle in maggot.  We're The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 108

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-12:30: Intro/Act Of Valor
12:31-20:41: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
20:42-29:48: Peeping Tom
29:49-43:37: Inventory Of War Films
43:37-46:48: Wrap Up/Outtake

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 107: Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance, Blubberella, 2012 Oscar Picks

Chris Scalzo

Uh huh. You read the title correctly. This week we are watching Blubberella, and Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance. Yeah. But wait! There is still hope. Not only are we reviewing two of the crappiest movies to ever grace the screen, but we are also going to give our Oscar Picks. So there's that. It should be fun. Really.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 107

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-09:54: Intro/Ghost Rider
09:54-15:34: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
15:35-24:56: Blubberella
24:57-41:16: Oscar Picks
41:17-44:50: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 106: Safe House, Norwegian Ninja, What Are The Odds?

Chris Scalzo

Denzel Washington.  What happened?  He hasn't done anything truly great since Man On Fire, and I wouldn't call that high art.  He's back with the dreamy Ryan Reynolds in Safe House.  Is Safe House exciting, fun, and thrilling or is Denzel on Nic Cage path of dull actioners.  We also returned to our Straight to DVD archives with The Norwegian Ninja.  A little film about Norway's Ninja Corp, and how they saved the Scandinavians from the dirty Communists.  We review the big releases on Blu-Ray & DVD, and feature the return of What Are The Odds.  Last minute reservations are no problem here at The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 106

Or stream the show now by clicking here: PLAY

00:00-10:46: Intro/Safe House
10:47-19:13: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
19:14-26:42: The Norwegian Ninja
26:43-42:01: What Are The Odds?
42:01-44:22: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 105: The Innkeepers (Live!)

Chris Scalzo

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore.  And that's why this week's show is delayed until Monday or so.  But don't worry, we have a little something to hold you over.  It's a live show recorded at the Connecticut premiere of 'The Innkeepers'! A film shot right here in Torrington, CT!  Not only is that awesome, but it gets even more awesomer!  'The Innkeepers' is the latest from First Run favorite director of 'House Of The Devil', Ti West.  We also feature a discussion with CT's own Michael White, with get to hear his song, Sneak Attack.  Just a heads up, the audio may be a little rough at times due to the recording being done at the post party of the premiere.  So enjoy this super special episode of The First Run!

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 105

Or stream the show now by clicking here: "PLAY"

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 104: Chronicle, Tabloid, Call It!

Chris Scalzo

Found Footage Films.  Some people likes 'em.  Like me.  Others feel the genre is tired and over.  This week the genre gets brought to the super hero realm with Chronicle.  Does bringing in super heroes help rejuvinate this flagging genre?  Or should we just go stand in the corner and wait for our turn… We also saw Errol Morris's documentary about an unstable beauty queen who is willing to do anything, and I mean anything, for the love of a Mormon missionary in Tabloid.  We'll review the big releases on blu-ray and dvd, then close it out with the return of fan favorite segment, 'What Are The Odds'.  So stay out of sound emitting holes in the ground that house glowing blue asteroid thingees.  It can only end in heartache and death.  

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 104

Or stream the show now by clicking here: Play

00:00-11:26: Intro/Chronicle
11:27-18:41: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
18:42-28:35: Tabloid
28:36-45:14: Call It!
45:15-47:33: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 103: The Grey, Man On A Ledge, Inventory Of Our Most Anticipated Films Of 2012

Chris Scalzo

Liam Neeson.  The name exudes earnestness.  Intensity.  General bad assery.  And this week he's back with a special set of skills that allows him to kick some wolf and nature ass in 'The Grey'.  Does Mister January answer the bell yet again?   After that, it's the other side of the bad ass coin.  A man that exudes none of the aforementioned qualities.  Sam Worthington in 'Man On A Ledge'.  Does Sam come at my consistent disparaging remarks swinging?  Or should he just take one more step forward.  We'll review the big released on Blu-Ray & DVD for next week, then close out this super badass edition of the First Run with an Inventory Of Our Most Anticipated Films Of 2012.  We're The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 103

Or stream the show now by clicking here: Play

00:00-12:44: Intro/The Grey
12:45-19:55: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
19:56-29:19: Man On A Ledge
29:20-48:52: Inventory Of Our Most Anticipated Films Of 2012
48:53-51:12: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 102: Haywire, The Seventh Seal, Inventory Of Our Favorite Action Stars

Chris Scalzo

There was Foxy Brown, then China O'Brien, and now we have… Mallory Kane.  Are we overdue for a true female action star, and thanks to Steven Soderbergh's 'Haywire', is Gina Carano it?  We also jump back on the Criterion Collection train with Ingmar Bergman's seminal work, 'The Seventh Seal'.  Does the film measure up to it's iconic chess game with death imagery we're all familiar with?  We'll review the big releases on blu-ray and dvd.  Then it's the Inventory of our favorite action stars of all time.  So I'm all out of gum and ready to kick some ass.  We're the First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 102

00:00-13:06: Intro/Haywire
13:07-28:23: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
28:24-38:45: The Seventh Seal
38:46-53:01: Inventory Of Our Favorite Action Stars
53:02-55:23: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 101: Contraband, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Who Dat?

David Cunningham

This week on the big show, we wonder how much money Marky Mark can smuggle out of our pockets in his latest movie 'Contraband'. Can he give us the great performance we know he's capable of, or are we looking at another 'Italian Job'? Next, we look at a film that shows us what it means to feel again, 'Tucker and Dale vs Evil'. Can it wash the horrible stench of 'Starship Troopers' off us? (Hint: no) Then we'll take a page from New Orleans playbook, and play a round of WHO DAT?!? All that and more, on this episode of The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 101

Or stream the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-10:02: Intro/ Contraband

10:03-26:11: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks

26:12-33:25: Tucker and Dale vs. Evil

33:26-49:48: WHO DAT?

49:49-53:13: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 100: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Great Debate: Starship Troopers, Inventories Of Best Films Of 2011 & The First Run

Chris Scalzo

Happy Anniversary!  It's a super-sized episode 100 and the return of former co-hosts Matt Howell & Chris Esposito.  What the heck happened to them anyway? This week it's the long awaited cold war spy thriller starring Gary Oldman, based on John le Carre's 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy'.  We'll have a great debate on the merits, or lack there of, of 'Starship Troopers'. We run down the big releases on Blu-Ray & DVD, then wrap it up with two Inventories!  Our Top 10 of 2011, and Top 5 Films reviewed on the show.  Good friends, good times, The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 100

Or stream the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-11:41: Intro/Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
11:42-21:00: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
21:01-42:55: Great Debate: Starship Troopers
42:56-1:07:09: Inventory Of Our Top 10 Films Of 2011
1:07:10-1:20:38: Inventory Of Our 5 Favorite Films Reviewed On The Show
1:20:39-1:23:23: Wrap Up/Outtake

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 99: War Horse, The Artist, Inventory of Animal Films

David Cunningham

This week on the big show we ride in on Steven Spielberg's 'War Horse'. Can this Broadway show adaptation stand on its own, or is it time to put the old horse down? We also share their thoughts on the new silent movie 'The Artist'. Is it a very quiet good time, or an opportunity for a nice nap? We'll review the big releases on DVD and Blu-Ray, and share our inventories of the Best animal films. So saddle up, this is The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 99

Or listen to the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-11:56: Intro/War Horse
11:57-19:35: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
19:36-32:41: The Artist
32:42-48:52: Inventory of Animal Films
48:53-53:33: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 98: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Young Adult, Inventory Of Dark Comedies

Chris Scalzo

It's finally here.  My most anticipated film of the year. A film I declared last year that it would be my favorite film of 2011.  David Fincher.  Daniel Craig.  And Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander in 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'.  Was my bold prediction right?  We also watched the reunion of Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody, the folks that brought us 'Juno' with 'Young Adult'.  We'll review the big releases on blu-ray & dvd, and run down the Inventory of our favorite dark comedies.  So what's the prognosis, Fertile Myrtle? Minus or plus for Dragon Tattoo and Young Adult?  Listen on faithfull fans, and discover the rich secrets of The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 98

Or listen to the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-14:55: Intro/The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
14:56-23:12: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
23:13-32:59: Young Adult
33:00-45:24: Inventory Of Dark Comedies
45:25-48:34: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 97: Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, Inventory Of Action Movies (2000-Today)

David Cunningham

Nothing says Christmas like naked aggression. So this week on the first run the we go on adrenaline highs and watch Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol. Will this just be another Tom Cruise money truck, or is there actually something good here? (hint: there is) Also, two guys who can't figure out how to form a complete sentence, review a movie about the greatest detective of all time in Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. Oh, and just to get you into the holiday spirit, a list of our favorite action movies since the year 2000 will be stuffed in your stocking. Now go wait in line and beat the snot out of someone for some sneakers, where The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 97

Or stream the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-12:43: Intro/ Mission Impossible 4
12:44-18:32: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
18:33-28:28: Sherlock Holmes
28:29-45:18: Inventory Of Action Movices (2000-Today)
45:18-48:24: Wrap up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 96: Melancholia, Cave Of Forgotten Dreams, What Are The Odds?

Chris Scalzo

Nope.  No 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' this week.  Turns out it's not playing here in Connecticut just yet.  So instead we get the opportunity to see the latest from the mildly controversial director, Lars Von Trier and his latest, 'Melancholia'.  Does this tale of a struggling sister relationship painted against a back drop of a global apocalypse deliver all the smiles it portends to?  After that we get to see what all the fuss is about regarding some old, and I mean OLD cave paintings in France with Werner Herzog's 'Cave Of Forgotten Dreams'.  Will the film be as beautiful as its subject matter?  We'll review the big releases on Blu-Ray & DVD, then wrap it up with relatively rousing edition of What Are The Odds.  We're The First Run.  Now with less genital mutilation!

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 96

Or stream the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-15:14: Intro/Melancholia
15:15-23:27: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks
23:28-36:17: Cave Of Forgotten Dreams
36:18-51:52: What Are The Odds?
51:53-53:55: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

TFR Ep. 95: Hugo, Arthur Christmas, TFR Libs

David Cunningham

The year is slowly winding down, and we're picking up steam! This week it's 'Hugo', a family film from Martin Scorsese. You heard me right. Marty brings us the tale of an orphaned child living in a train station, and all the magic that entails. So at what point does someone's head get put in a vise…? We'll let you know. We continue the family centric theme with the latest from the Wallace and Gromit folks with 'Arthur Christmas'. See it seems Velvet Chocolate over here has a soft spot for the sweet, family friendly films, or at least the girl he's seeing does. Does this story about Santa's 'other' son deliver the roasted chestnuts? We'll review the big releases on blu-ray & dvd, then wrap it up with a holiday version of 'TFR Libs' which will not have anything to do with the holidays. So it's time for us to take our shot at the moon, with the S-1. We're The First Run.

Download the show from iTunes here: Episode 95

Or stream the show now by clicking 'Play' below:

00:00-12:31 Intro/Hugo

12:32-22:52 Blu-Ray & DVD Picks

22:53-34:38 Arthur Christmas

34:39-53:53 TFR Libs

53:54-56:10 Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey