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News: Lynch's Mulholland Drive Criterion Release

Chris Scalzo

Rumors have swirled for awhile now, but it looks like fine folks over at Criterion are giving us the thumbs up with the below image from their Tumblr page.  Mulholland Drive is finally getting a US blu-ray release.  No details or specs are yet available, but for Lynch fans this is awesome news!


News: Batman Arkham Origins Game Trailer

Chris Scalzo

Fan of Batman: Arkham City?  Of course you are!  Well the 3rd game, Arkham Origins, in the series is actually a prequel featuring a more inexperienced Batman as he fights off a plethora (Yes! Worked it in!) of paid assassins on behalf of Black Mask.  While a proper sequel is being worked on, Warner Bros. Games Montreal is handling this game, but fear not, they are using the same engine as Asylum and CIty.  So how's it going to look?  Check out the trailer below.​

Batman: Arkham Origins features an expanded Gotham City and introduces an original prequel storyline occurring several years before the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City. Taking place before the rise of Gotham City's most dangerous villains and assassins, the game showcases a young, raw, unrefined Batman as he faces a defining moment in his early career as a crime fighter that sets his path to becoming the Dark Knight.

007 News: Alright, Alright, Twist My Arm. Where's The Cash?

Chris Scalzo

After stating he was one and done, it appears Sam Mendes may indeed return to direct the next Bond film after all.  Eon Productions is accommodating Mendes' schedule so he can complete his Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and King Lear projects.  It's tentatively titled, James Bond Rises.  Or James Bond, Revenge Of The Fallen.  Something like that.


Craig is signed for two more films himself.  I'm unsure how I feel anymore about an aging, human, unsure Bond.  I think we've established the heck out of that in the last 3 films, and Skyfall neatly re-established the franchise proper.  Now we need to have some fun.  Is there a way to have a down to earth, grim and gritty spy thriller featuring a guy wanting to spread poisonous spores across the earth while living in a gigantic false volcano?  I have no idea.