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Rambo Has Strong Words For John McClane

Chris Scalzo

Stallone tweeted in all caps earlier today (so you know it's serious) that Bruce Willis is out for The Expendables 3.  He called WIllis "Greedy and Lazy".  

Stallone Tweet 3.jpeg

To which Willis surely responded, "And...?"  

Listen, I'm a huge Bruno fan, more so than Stallone to be honest.  Did Willis want a few million for the role and probably not want to fly to whatever Eastern European country Expendables 3 will surely be shot in?  I imagine so.

Stallone then followed that up with the announcement that Indiana Jones (or Hans Solo) himself is joining the cast.  Yes, I only refer to actors as their best known character names.

Stallone Tweet 2.jpeg

So is Harrison Ford an improvement over Willis?  Will Ford be playing the 'Church' role?  It's an Expendables film, does it even matter? 

World's Finest: The Movie

Chris Scalzo


Greg Silverman, President, Creative Development and Worldwide Production, and Sue Kroll, President, Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures announced today what we've all suspected was coming after the financial success of Man Of Steel, they've begun work on a Superman & Batman team up film for 2015.  Henry Cavill will return as Superman, but who will be wearing the cowl?  That has yet to be determined.  

David Goyer, who co-wrote the screenplays for the Dark Knight trilogy and Man Of Steel has begun his treatment.  Snyder has been tapped to direct this film as well, with Nolan on hand to produce.  So the team behind Man Of Steel is going to be creating this potential box office behemoth.  It's up to you to decide if that's a good or bad thing.  

Check out the whole article here: Business Wire - Superman Batman

So what do you think?   High hopes for a Dark Knight epic, or more likely a Green Lantern misfire?  And who do YOU want as Batman?  Let us know in the comments below! 


Well, Here It Comes... Spike Lee's Oldboy Trailer

Chris Scalzo

It's a Red Band trailer, so be careful when and where you watch it.  Nudity and violence if you're so inclined.  And it appears the most controversial twist Park Chan-wook's classic original has been excised.  Don't worry, I won't spoil what it is if you haven't seen it.  But if you haven't, sweet pete what are you waiting for?!?  Go buy it today! 

Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think.  Think Spike Lee can pull this off?  I'm not very confident, but maybe.... Just maybe.... 

Release Date: October 25, 2013 Studio: FilmDistrict Director: Spike Lee Screenwriter: Mark Protosevich Starring: Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, Sharlto Copley, James Ransone, Samuel L. Jackson Genre: Thriller MPAA Rating: Not Available Official Websites: Plot Summary: "Oldboy" is a provocative, visceral thriller that follows the story of an advertising executive (Josh Brolin) who is abruptly kidnapped and held hostage for 20 years in solitary confinement.

News: New Pixies Song, 'Bagboy'

Chris Scalzo

Well, that was fast.  Kim Deal leaves the band and no sooner than a week later, the Pixies have released a new single, Bagboy.   It's believed that Kim was the reason there was no new album, her concerns being that a potential sub par effort may sully their legacy.


And maybe she's right. 

But I don't care.   I'm just glad to hear new music from the Pixies.  I'd much rather chance a disappointing album, then have them continue on as just a touring greatest band. 

The track was recorded last October, but there's no news on whether there's an album's worth of material out there.  And who would replace Kim in the group?  I think the smart money is on Charles' wife Violet Clark.  She can sound like Kim vocally, and she plays bass as well.  Perhaps it's better to hire a session musician, and keep marriage and work separate?  Only time will tell...

You can download the song from their site for free here!  So take a listen and let us know what you think!


PIXIES - BAGBOY FREE DOWNLOAD at Directed by: LAMAR+NIK (LAMARPLUSNIK.COM) Director of Photography: Spenser Sakurai