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First Batman Costume Pic From Superman/Batman Released

Chris Scalzo

Zack Snyder has tweeted out a pic of Ben Affleck as Batman, and it looks like Kevin Smith's excitement was warranted.  Snyder is a self-professed fan of The Dark Knight Returns and you can clearly see the influence on Affleck's suit, specifically the small years and large bat emblem.  

Who's getting excited?!?  Let us know what you think!

Man, Henry Cavill must be shaking his head muttering, "Isn't this the sequel to my film...?"

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Has A Post-Credits Sequence (Sorta')

Chris Scalzo


Introducing a new level of corporate synergy, or at the very least product placement, there's an exclusive post-credits sequence for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 that can be accessed by holding up your phone and opening up your 'Shazam' app during the credits for fun phone viewing.  Since my preferred phone usage is in a movie theater, I'm looking forward to it.

The catalyst song appears to be Alicia Keyes 'It's On Again', that features Kendrick Lamar.  The fine folks at Coming Soon have already done all the work and you can check it out HERE if you can't wait.  Or don't want to be that guy.

Looks like it's a Sinister Six film.  For the uninitiated, it's a team comprised of Spider-Man greatest foes.  Kind of a super villain version of the rock group Asia.

And Now I Have To Buy A PS4 (or an Xbox One)

Chris Scalzo

I hope Batman: Arkham Origins held you all over for the main course.  Because Rocksteady Studios not the Montreal one) completes their Batman gaming trilogy with Batman: Arkham Knight later this year.  The official game trailer has been released and it looks suitably awesome.  It's set to feature Scarecrow, Two-Face, Penguin, and Harley Quinn as our main villains.  Will they somehow resurrect the Joker?  We do know there are lazarus pits deep in the bowels of Gotham.  Plus there's a cool, new batmobile!  

Chicky, chicky, check it out!

In the explosive finale to the Arkham series, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city he is sworn to protect. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever.

Sweet, huh?!?  Seriously!

The First Episode Of Andy Daly's 'Review' Is Online!

Chris Scalzo


If you're not familiar with Andy Daly's work from 'Comedy Bang Bang' or 'Eastbound And Down', you're in for a treat.   His numerous characters have made me cry with laughter and he's finally got his own show, 'Review', based on the Australian show, 'Review With Myles Barlow' (available on Hulu Plus).  I'll be doing a full review of Review's first episode shortly.  And for an extra treat, check out Daly's new podcast from Earwolf, 'The Andy Daly Podcast Project Project'. It launched with lofty expectations, and have easily surpassed all of them.  Clearly, I am firmly in the Andy Daly is a comedic genius camp and hope his work spreads like a virus.  A laugh out load out of all your orifices type of virus.  Something that incapacitates you with giggles.  That kind of thing.  And maybe some weight loss.

Either way, check out the first episode of Review over at Comedy Central!  It's set to hit the regular old tvs on March 6th at 10pm.

Godzilla Returns To Torment Bryan Cranston

Chris Scalzo

The second Godzilla trailer has been a released.  And boy, it's a doozy.  Scary, thrilling and dripping with dread, Gareth Edwards appears to have nailed it.  His clever 'Monsters' film was a solid piece of entertainment, hurt only by its limited budget.  My geek detector is red lining on this one. In theaters May 16th. An epic rebirth to Toho's iconic Godzilla, this spectacular adventure, from Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures, pits the world's most famous monster against malevolent creatures who, bolstered by humanity's scientific arrogance, threaten our very existence.

Godzilla is set to destroy the planet on May 16th.