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Hulu Passes On Community. TFR Weeps.

Chris Scalzo

One down, one to go?  Hulu has passed on continuing Community for another season.  Jerks.  A dean-cision does have to be made quickly since the actors’ deals all expire on June 30th.  So we have less than a week to go and Sony has reported there is still one potential suitor.  I assume it’s Netflix, but time will tell.

I’d love at least one more season with a returning Donald Glover and, dare I say it, Chevy Chase.  Let’s all hope we haven’t started on the darkest timeline.

Updated: Shane Black To Direct A New Predator Film

Chris Scalzo

pew pew!

pew pew!

Inevitable as inevitability gets, there’s a Predator reboot on the way.  Shane Black, he of the writing credits for Lethal Weapon and The Last Boy Scout, also the director of the wonderful Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and the “eh, it’s pretty good”, Iron Man 3, is directing and co-writing the film. 

Naturally, as Hollywood is averse to taking any chances, we’re going with a reboot of a well-established property.  Now the prospects of an aging Dutch meeting the predator for the first time is intriguing, but we’re just getting the announcement that Black’s been hired.  No insight into the plot, actors, etc. yet. 

Black will be co-writing the film with Fred Dekker.  The two previously collaborated on the cult film Monster Squad.  And we all love Monster Squad. 

While we wait, let’s all enjoy this video of Jean-Claude Van Damme in his lobster costume as the original Predator.  It’s true and hilarious. 

SUBSCRIBE to SWSCA on YouTube: The Story Behind the "Original" Predator Suit FULL STORY here: Makeup FX innovator, Steve Johnson (GHOSTBUSTERS, SPECIES, BLADE 2) shares the inside story on what went wrong with the original Boss Films PREDATOR suit, worn by martial artist and aspiring action star Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Shane Black now says their planning a sequel, not a reboot.  An inventive one at that.  

TFR Ticker: Weekend Box Office Numbers

Chris Scalzo

Kevin Hart’s latest film won the weekend, but came in a little under expectations.  Granted it had some solid competition.  22 Jump Street came in at #2, followed by How To Train Your Dragon 2.  The other new film for the weekend was Clint Eastwood’s adaptation of the broadway hit, Jersey Boys.  It performed weakly and garnered ‘meh’ reviews critically as it checks in at #4.  Time will tell if the Jersey Boys has a slow burn and continues to build.


More underwhelming performances abound.  How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Edge Of Tomorrow round out the disappoint-o-meter in Hollywood as all round box office performance is down roughly $52 million from last year.  Though Jon Favreau’s Chef stays steady at #10.  Go Mikey!  Mikey’s the big winner!

See the top 10 list below.

How To Train Your Dragon XXX is a different film.  Sorry about that, but the image was already printed.

How To Train Your Dragon XXX is a different film.  Sorry about that, but the image was already printed.

Rian Johnson To Write & Direct Star Wars VIII, Maybe More...

Chris Scalzo

Image copyright Criterion.

Image copyright Criterion.

Rian Johnson, director of The Brothers Bloom, Looper, and one of Scalzo's all time favorites, Brick, has been tabbed to direct the Star Wars film after the Star Wars film J.J. Abrams is doing now, say December 2017.  He's also rumored to at least be writing, though possibly also directing, Star Wars IX: Boba Fett's Quinceañera.  This is years down the road mind you, so we'll have to wait and see.

This is exciting news.  Johnson has a talent for people, exemplified in his three films.  In the relationships they share and the dialogue they speak.  And with his latest film, Looper, he handles the sci-fi, time-travel quite deftly.  He made it entertaining, interesting and even plausible. Johnson will bring a unique voice to the franchise and could come up with some thrilling and fascinating stories.

With the hiring of Gareth Edwards Josh Trank, and now Johnson, Disney and Abrams seem keen to bring in young, exciting directors to carry on the franchise.  The plan being odd years for Star Wars films, and even years would give us the spin off films.  Maybe that's when we'll see Fett's quinceañera then.  

Star Wars.

Jason Momoa To Don The Orange Scales and Green Tights.

Chris Scalzo

Momoa IS Conan

Momoa IS Conan

After delivering one of the worst performances we’ve seen around here in the Conan the Barbarian remake, Jason Momoa has been cast as Arthur Curry (that’s Aquaman for the uninitiated) in Superman/Batman and Justice League.  The Hawaiian and surfing enthusiast is ideally cast as someone who should spend a lot of time underwater talking to fish and riding giant seahorses.  No word yet if it’ll be Super friends Aquaman, or Shakespearean Atlantian-ruler Aquaman.  We all still think he’d be better cast as Lobo (Though that would require some personality. We kid. We're sure he's very nice.).

Should they go with the hand or hook?  What are your thoughts?