TFR Ticker: Weekend Box Office Numbers
Chris Scalzo
Did anyone else think of the Uncharted video games during this scene?
Autobots, cash out! Michael Bay’s ‘relaunch’ of the Transformers has won the weekend again. Yay. Though there were three new releases this week; Tammy, Deliver Us From Evil, and Earth To Echo finished 2, 3, and 6 respectively. So thanks a lot America. On your birthday, you continue to solidify the future of the Transformers franchise. Good on you.
Overall you’re looking at the worst weekend returns in years. Like a decade, brah. I assume you were all getting you freedom on. Or perhaps watching a bunch of non-Americans flop around in their World Cups games. You disgust me. Turn in next week though and see if Hollywood rebounds with Dawn of The Planet of the Apes.
See the top 10 list below.