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TFR Ticker: Weekend Box Office Numbers

Chris Scalzo

Did anyone else think of the Uncharted video games during this scene?

Did anyone else think of the Uncharted video games during this scene?

Autobots, cash out!  Michael Bay’s ‘relaunch’ of the Transformers has won the weekend again.  Yay.  Though there were three new releases this week; Tammy, Deliver Us From Evil, and Earth To Echo finished 2, 3, and 6 respectively.  So thanks a lot America.  On your birthday, you continue to solidify the future of the Transformers franchise.  Good on you.

Overall you’re looking at the worst weekend returns in years.  Like a decade, brah.  I assume you were all getting you freedom on.  Or perhaps watching a bunch of non-Americans flop around in their World Cups games.  You disgust me.  Turn in next week though and see if Hollywood rebounds with Dawn of The Planet of the Apes.

See the top 10 list below.

So Much For Dangerous Habits. Hellblazer On The Telly.

Chris Scalzo

Constantine By Tim Bradstreet.  Copyright DC Comics.

We got half of what we wanted.  I had always said that John Constantine: Hellblazer, would be a great idea for a show on HBO.  Imagine all the classic storylines brought to life on the TV.  And on HBO, where you could display all the profanity, violence and scares you could handle.

Well, we got a show for Constantine, starring Matt Ryan as the titular character.  Unfortunately, it’s on regular broadcast television, NBC.  Now with all the gore and viscera you see on the CSI’s and Bones and other procedurals, you’d imagine we’ll be okay on that front.  The producers have stated that they will stay true to the comic series.  Well, mostly.  There is one change.  One update the network has demanded that changes the character immensely.

Constantine can’t be seen to be smoking.

If you have any knowledge of the Constantine from the comics, you know how integral this ‘Dangerous Habit’ is to the character. And by excising his favorite vice (next to the occasional pint) you are tossing out one of the best, and most important, storylines ever produced for the character.  Heck, even the mediocre Keanu Reeves film version incorporated this storyline. 

Can the show still deliver the thrills and chills we demand from Constantine?  Possibly, but the decision certainly appears short-sighted.  I think at this point we all know that smoking is bad for you, and you’re potentially robbing the viewing audience of a fantastic seasons worth of episodes.  At least this time he’s English.

So let’s discuss the other controversy surrounding Hellblazer.  Is it pronounced ‘Constan-teen’ or ‘Constan-tie-ne’?  And you can check out the trailer below.

Constantine NBC Official Trailer: Get a look at the new series Constantine coming to NBC Fridays this fall. " Subscribe: " Constantine Premieres Friday October 24th 10/9c on NBC!

Pink Floyd To Release Another Final Album

Chris Scalzo

Division Bell Album Art Copyright Columbia Records

It’s the 20th Anniversary of the release of Pink Floyd’s last album, ‘The Division Bell’.  Floyd has released a rather pricey ($125) anniversary edition including a blu-ray audio version of the album, as well as a vinyl copy featuring full versions of the songs and replicas of the original singles.  One of the curious things is the lack of outtakes and alternate versions of songs recorded during the same time period. 

Well, now we know why.  Polly Samson, wife of David Gilmour and co-lyricist of Division Bell announced on her twitter feed the following: "Pink Floyd album out in October is called ‘The Endless River’.  Based on 1994 sessions is Rick Wright's swansong and very beautiful."  (Rick Wright passed away from cancer in 2008.)

The album originally was planned to be an instrumental, ambient piece, as confirmed by the announcement from Floyd’s touring back up singer, Durga McBroom-Hudson’s, on her Facebook page: "The recording did start during the Division Bell sessions (and yes, it was the side project originally titled 'The Big Spliff' that [Pink Floyd drummer] Nick Mason spoke about). Which is why there are Richard Wright tracks on it. But David and Nick have gone in and done a lot more since then.  It was originally to be a completely instrumental recording, but I came in last December and sang on a few tracks.   David then expanded on my backing vocals and has done a lead on at least one of them."

Don’t expect a reunion with Roger Waters though.  Relations are still strained between Waters and Gilmour.  Time will tell if this new album is at least on par with ‘A Momentary Lapse Of Reason’ or ‘The Division Bell’.  In the interim, let’s all enjoy one of my favorite latter day Floyd tracks…

Also check out my DeviantArt art page here: You can also find the green D.A. link on the top right of my youtube channel zackinator007. Feel free to post a comment there as well if you like what you find. Thanks & Enjoy!!

City College Has Been Thwarted! Yahoo! Has Saved The Day! Community Lives!

Chris Scalzo

Community has always fared better online, being one of the most watched shows on Hulu.  Hulu was apparently blind to this notion, but Yahoo! wasn't.  

As Yahoo! starts its online viewing presence, their first big buy is 12 episodes of Community!  The whole cast is returning, minus Donald Glover, Chevy Chase and Jonathan Banks.  Harmon is returning as show runner, with one of my favorite quotes in quite a while, “I look forward to bringing our beloved NBC sitcom to a larger audience by moving it online. I vow to dominate our new competition. Rest easy, Big Bang Theory. Look out, Bang Bus!".  

So let's all take a deep breath and smile.  We've completed Six Seasons, one more step to go to complete the prophecy. #SixSeasonsAndAMovie

Bond 24: Logan Is Not Enough

Chris Scalzo

Skyfall London premiere. Copyright the Coventry Telegraph

Skyfall London premiere. Copyright the Coventry Telegraph

It’s the ol' switch-eroo!  ‘Skyfall’, co-writer John Logan had been giving full reign to write the next two Bond films.  Having previously been brought in to punch up the script for ‘Skyfall’, director Sam Mendes had recommended Logan take over, but something has gone awry.  An executive associated with the franchise was quoted as describing the issues with the script as prompting polite turmoil.  Logan himself has now said he doesn’t plan to work on blockbuster films again. 

So the writers of all the Bond films since 1999, which sadly includes ‘The World is Not Enough’ and ‘Die Another Day’, have returned to ‘punch’ up the script. So Neil Purvis and Robert Wade are back. Supposedly they’re coming in to inject some humor, specifically with Bond’s interactions with Naomi Harris’ Miss Moneypenny and Ralph Fiennes’ ‘M’.  The re-writes will end up pushing the film to a December 2015 release, instead of the initial October plan.

I must admit that though I enjoy the franchise’s turn to more a more dramatic turn, a little more humor may help lighten the proceedings.  Sam Mendes is still on board to direct.  The real loss still will be Roger Deakins.  ‘Skyfall’ was easily the best shot film of the franchise.

What do you think?  Has the Bond series gone too far with its seriousness? Would Bond benefit from a little more Roger Moore cheekiness?