TFR Focus Ep. 11: Star Trek 50th Anniversary
Chris Scalzo
Second star to the right, straight on 'til morning.
Happy Anniversary to Star Trek! The first episode aired today, 50 years ago. We recently had a marathon where we revisited all of the original cast films (Episodes 311-316). But I still wanted to do something to commemorate the occasion. So take a listen to this supercut of our discussion of each film, The Motion Picture through Undiscovered Country. We even included a bonus! Our review of Star Trek: Beyond. Wow, we're swell. Enjoy our Star Trek extravaganza with a nice up of tea!
Sulu loves his Twinings. I'm thinking Irish Breakfast.
- 00:00-15:01: Intro/The Motion Picture
- 15:02-28:25: The Wrath of Khan
- 28:26-36:45: The Search For Spock
- 36:46-47:50: The Voyage Home
- 47:51-1:03:16: The Final Frontier
- 1:03:17-1:15:23: The Undiscovered Country
- 1:15:24-1:31:37: Star Trek: Beyond
- 1:31:38-1:32:30: Wrap Up
Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey