TFR Focus Ep. 14: Strangers Things S2.E3, Mindhunter S1.E3
Chris Scalzo
Stranger Things and Mindhunter © Netflix
In this episode of The First Run Focus, Chris and Matt discuss both 3rd episodes of ‘Stranger Things‘ season 2 and ‘Mindhunter’ season 1. Our Goonies buddies are starting to piece things together as Will’s visions are increasing in intensity, Dustin reveals what was in that trash can and even give it a name, and more pumpkins continues to suffer. And Chris is still convinced Sean Astin is up to no good. Over in Mindhunter land, Matt was all in after episode 2 and that performance by Cameron Britton. Is he still on board? This week we meet a new case study and Anna Torv (“Fringe”) takes the stage. It’s the first episode not directed by David Fincher. Can they maintain the quality of the first two episodes helmed by Fincher? Joins us as TFR Focus continues!
00:00-13:10: Stranger Things, S2.E3
13:11-22:16: Mindhunter, S1.E.3
Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey