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TFR Ep. 434: Glass, Cam, 2019 Oscar Nominations

The First Run Podcast

TFR Ep. 434: Glass, Cam, 2019 Oscar Nominations

Chris Scalzo

This week on The First Run, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here.  Back in 2000 M. Knight Shyamalan released ‘Unbreakable, an origin story of a superhero realizing who he is, based in the “real” world.  Bruce Willis turns in once of his best performances and it is easily one of Chris Scalzo’s favorite superhero films.  After the hidden sequel ‘Split’, can ‘Glass’ possibly live up to expectations?  Then it’s on to the tech thriller, ‘Cam’.  Written by former sex worker Isa Mazzei, herself a former cam girl, the tech thriller focuses on a cam worker who’s channel is stolen by…herself?  There’s a thrilling (relatively) review of the big releases on Blu-Ray & DVD, featuring the Straight to DVD and Streaming Picks of the Week.  Finally, the show wraps with Chris and Matt’s thoughts on the 2019 Oscar Nominations.  What did the Academy get right, who was snubbed and what were the surprises?  Listen to find out!

  • 00:00-14:36: Intro/Glass

  • 14:37-20:21: Blu-Ray & DVD Picks

  • 20:22-26:54: Cam

  • 26:55-44:21: Oscar Nominations

  • 44:22-47:17: Wrap Up

Theme music provided by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey

Glass © Images Universal Pictures