TFR Focus Ep. 24: ScreenRun: Aliens
Chris Scalzo
Aliens images © 20th Century Films
This week on The First Run, Chris is recovering from a particularly nasty bug that prevented him from venturing out to the theaters and has affected his voice. He wants his ravings to be at the crystal clear quality you've come to expect so there is no new episode for this week. But fear not, most loyal listener. Your podcast BFFs are not going to leave you high and dry. For your listening pleasure, we have a special episode of Chris' other show, ScreenRun. ScreenRun is a film podcast where Chris and the podcast mommy herself, the Lady Wan, run through the filmography of a particular director, actor or movie franchise per season. It's really quite good, you should like and subscribe. In the show's second season, Chris and Wan ran through the Alien series and we've queued up for you the episode for what some would correctly call the best film in the franchise with James Cameron's 1986 sequel, Aliens. If you're saying to yourself "'re my favorite...I tune in for you!" I would say that you have excellent taste and to fear not since they were gracious enough to invite me as a guest on this episode. Thank you for your understanding and rest assured, your favorite internet uncles will be back next week to discuss the Norwegian supernatural thriller The Innocents, the psychological horror film Master, and Jordan Peele's much anticipated third film, Nope. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this special presentation of Screen Run.