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TFR Ep. 738: Werewolves, 5 Favorite Genre Actors

The First Run Podcast

TFR Ep. 738: Werewolves, 5 Favorite Genre Actors

Chris Scalzo

Werewolves images © Briarcliff Entertainment

This week on The First Run, Chris and Matt slum it the genre B-move gutters they love so much with ‘Werewolves’. There’s the teeth-glaring breakdown of the big releases on Physical Media, featuring the Viper Video and Streaming Picks of the Week. Then, Matt and Chris  wrap it up by sharing their 5 Favorite Genre Actors. So look out for those super-moons my furry friends!

  • 00:00-11:22: Intro/Werewolves

  • 11:23-20:37: Physical Media Picks

  • 20:38-31:09: 5 Favorite Genre Actors

  • 31:10-33:46: Wrap-Up

Theme music by Jamal Malachi Ford-Bey