Shazam! Dwayne Johnson Is Black Adam
Chris Scalzo
Dwayne Johnson: Tooth Fairy
It’s been out there for a while now. What character will Dwayne Johnson be playing? We knew it was going to be in the Shazam realm of the DC Comics cinematic universe, be it Captain Marvel (or Shazam, as he’s now known to avoid copyright issues/confusion with Marvel’s Captain Marvel) or Black Adam. So after weeks of speculation Johnson announced it’s Black Adam.
So which Black Adam will we get? The villainess Black Adam, bent on world domination? Or the anti-hero Black Adam, righting wrongs as perceived by his own moral code? I’m assuming the latter.
Shazam! is being written by Darren Lenke of Jack The Giant Slayer and Turbo fame. It’s taking place outside of the Justice League cinematic universe, even being produced at New Line, not Warner Bros. proper.
"Amirite? Fellas?"
One good thing that’s been said is that the Shazam! film will have a lighter tone and be more fun than the current slate of films. This is refreshing and frustrating all at the same time. It appears to confirm the ‘no jokes’ policy of Warner Bros. for the Justice League films, which I believe is a major mistake. Seriousness and realism works in the Batman universe, but not Superman. Supes is all about hope, not being troubled and brooding. There’s a great article over at Cracked about this too that I agree with, specifically the Snyder/Goyer investment.
Let me know your thoughts! Is the Rock a good choice for Black Adam? Prefer to see him as Shazam? If not, who would you cast as the hero?
Shazam! is set to be released in May of 2016.