Zack Snyder Still Pushing Indie Batman V. Superman Short Film
Chris Scalzo
Batman seems upset.
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Batman seems upset.
Read More“Caesar loves humans more than apes!” And it looks like the humans love Caesar too!
Read MoreStephen King initially had a prologue written for “The Shining”. It told the story of Bob T. Watson the builder and original owner of the Overlook Hotel and his desire to build the greatest hotel in the U.S. of A.
The film’s script was written by Walking Dead showrunner Glen Mazzara and is to be directed by Mark Romanek.
So Hollywood, in all its creative glory, is bringing us the prologue as a prequel. The cynic in me is screaming lazy cash grab, but Romaneck directed the gorgeous and heartbreaking “Never Let Me Go”. Perhaps there’s hope after all…?
The fine folks at the little known, cult favorite magazine Entertainment Weekly, have revealed the design for Ultron on their Comic Con double issue cover. It also features subtle, but good looking redesign of Chris Evans’ Captain America and the always dreamy RDJ as Iron Man.
Ultron’s design looks pretty faithful to the comics, pointy ear antenna thing-ers and all. Now we just have to wait awhile longer to hear his James Spader, dry snarky tones.
Ultron’s story will be a little different though. In the movie universe, he’s created by Tony Stark to help the Avengers fight the bad guys, but goes all Hal 9000 on everyone.
Image copyright 20th Century Fox
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